Help Us Replace
Our Track

Our Impact

Our Impact

The Shamokin Area School District is
committed to excellence in providing
quality opportunities to our students,
their families, our staff, and the
community. Our impact is felt everyday
in our school buildings when we see
children learn something new, and when
our teachers, counselors, and coaches
help student’s achieve their goals and
learn to believe in themselves and
their future!


The purpose of the Shamokin Area Education Foundation is to is bringing together alumni and friends of the Shamokin Area School District to invest in the future of its students and to raise funds to promote, enhance and supplement educational pro- grams and activities for the benefit of the Shamokin Area School District and community.

Our Vision

The replacement

The replacement of our current track surface with a new asphalt base and track surface.

The new track

The new track and accompanying football field will serve as the athletic and wellness center for SASD.

Free of charge

Free of charge to the community, a new six lane all-weather track can help create a healthier community.

Our Challenges

Our Challenges

Keep Our People Healthy

Keep Our People Healthy

Instill Confidence in Our Kids

A quality health and physical education program builds confidence in children and teaches them to make healthy choices both during and after the school day.

Create Opportunities to Bond with Peers

Sports teams and physical activity can improve grade point average, school attachment, educational aspirations, and the likelihood of graduation.

Keep Our Community Healthy

As childhood obesity and at-risk behavior rates grow at an alarming pace, our students need physical activity and team building experiences. Providing our students and community with quality physical activity spaces is crucial in providing these opportunities.


To make the new track possible,
it will take the support of the community.

To make the project possible, we will have to raise approximately $800,000.

A Great Big Thank You To Our Donors.

Tamera Smith

October 8, 2024

Amount Donated

H&P Construction, Inc

September 17, 2024

Amount Donated

Shamokin Valley Railroad

August 20, 2024

Amount Donated

Jennifer Collier

July 26, 2024

Amount Donated
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